Paul’s Story

Why did you decide to find a coach?

I was lost to be honest. I was made redundant from my Chief Executive role and with a 6-month transition, I went into survival mode to finish and look for a new role. It was harder than I thought. I was emotionally spent after 2 tough years and while I knew the redundancy was coming was still a shock to understand why and more importantly what I do next. .

What were you feeling about your work and about yourself that you wanted to change?

I thought I was o.k. In my survival mode I made a clear action list about closing out and finding a new role. After a few interviews and a couple of knock backs, I realised I needed to pause and regroup. Having had other colleagues and mates go through similar situations and come out the other side, I asked for advice and was introduced to Alex. Best call I made and the rest as they say is history.

How easy/hard did you find doing ‘the process’, what was your favourite part and what did you learn about yourself?

As an exec, I’d been fortunate enough to be exposed to mentoring, coaching and leadership development in the past. I went into working with Alex with a mindset of I know what to do and I know what’s going to happen. I will speak about all my problems. Alex will listen, give me some advice, prep me up and send me on my way, fixed. That is not what happened, in fact, Alex didn’t even really ask about my situation until 6 weeks into our sessions. It was odd and frustrating as I wanted him to hear my ‘problem’s/issues’ and aim to fix them, tell me I’m great so I could get on with getting on.

What actually happened, and it has been only on reflection, was to try (and did) to understand me and me at a deep, fundamental phycological level. Once we did this through a series of modules, did we start to unpack and understand where I was at and more importantly where I wanted and needed to go. A fascinating process that got a better outcome and has given me a lifechanging understanding of what makes me and therefore how I move forward and what’s important.

How has coaching changed your levels of clarity and confidence about your career?

Each session with Alex was both exhausting and energising in equal measures. When we finished the first module, I had a better understanding of my why and clarity around some of the recent corporate events that had happened. This allowed me to put things into perspective and understand what I want. It’s taken some time however I am currently in a really good place. Accepting of circumstances and situations. Not being too hard on myself for not being where I thought I would be, but relishing in life’s other wonders. Working with Alex has been a big contributor.

How has coaching changed the way you feel about your capabilities and about yourself?

It has calmed me. An ambitious and impatient person by nature, coaching has allowed me to put things into perceptive overall and be o.k with the now.

What would you say to anyone who is considering coaching with Alex but not sure if they should do it?

Pick up the phone and speak to Alex. He will tell you pretty quickly if he think he can help.